Here is a selection of commonly asked questions. But these are not all questions or answers. Clicking on any one of the questions will take you to that question in our community forum. From there, you can search for more questions you may have.
- How do I download sensor data?
- Does PurpleAir have an app?
- Can I add a mesh screen to my sensor to keep out bugs and critters?
- Can I calibrate my PurpleAir sensor?
- How can I tell if my sensor is not performing properly?
- How do PurpleAir sensors compare to regulatory particulate matter sensors?
- How do PurpleAir sensors work, and what do they measure?
- How do the PurpleAir sensors differ, and can I mount them indoors OR outdoors?
- How many sensors should I install in my area?
- My Zen LED’s have gone dark. Did they fail?
- What do I do if one of my channels is downgraded, reporting high, not working, or spikes erratically?
- What hostnames and ports do PurpleAir sensors use?
Real-Time Map
- Can I add data from non-PurpleAir sensors?
- How do I log in to the PurpleAir map?
- How do I view average rings on the sensor icons?
- How do I view different types of data on the PurpleAir map?
- How many sensors are there in a particular area?
- Should I use the conversion factors on the PurpleAir map?
- What does downgraded mean on the graph?
- What is the PurpleAir map?
- Can I Set My PurpleAir Sensor to Private, and How Do I View a Private Sensor on the Map?
- Can I request an invoice or quote for PurpleAir sensors?
- How do I order PurpleAir sensors on the website?
- How to Request a Refund
- Payment Methods
- Purchase Orders