What does it mean to Archive a PurpleAir Sensor?

We want to ensure that the data collected from PurpleAir sensors are correctly associated with the sensors’ locations. When a sensor is moved to a new location, its data will need to be archived before the sensor is registered to a new location. This will cause all of the sensor’s historical data to be associated with its previous location, while all new data it records will be associated with its new location.

All data is stored under a sensor’s “sensor index.” This 4-6 character code is unique to every sensor on the map. When a sensor is archived, its sensor index will change.

If your sensor needs to be archived, send an email to contact@purpleair.com with the request and the device ID. Once you receive confirmation from PurpleAir that your device has been archived, you can re-register it in its new location.

If you need to move your sensor’s location on the map, you can learn how to do that here: Move Sensor Location and Map Marker