Recording data while traveling

I’d like to record data while traveling. Should I just update my registration to Private before I set off? Do I need to call Purple Air first, as mentioned on the registration? Thank you

Hi @jimtyler, we recommend first archiving your sensor and then registering your sensor as private while you travel. Send an email to with the device ID and we’ll let you know once archival is completed.

Hi Josh, Thanks for the reply. About how long does it take you to archive the data?

Hi @jimtyler, we typically respond to archival requests the same business day they’re received. I can see you’ve sent one in over the weekend, and I’ll send it to our administrator.

That’s pretty fast. I often stop for several days while traveling. I’d like to provide the public with data from each place. Would it be worth it to re-register at each stop? What do you think would be the minimum days stopped where a re-registration would make sense?

The purpose of archival is to link data to the currently registered location. This is important for public sensors, as public users may look to nearby sensors for information, and scientists may use sensor data for research. By permanently linking data to where it was collected, this helps to ensure data accuracy.

For private sensors, this is less of a concern as the only way to access the data is by using information contained in the registration confirmation email. So long as your sensor is privately registered there’s no need to archive it at each location you visit. Just make sure you archive the sensor before re-registering it as public.