Some time after installation, you may decide it necessary to change which WiFi network your PurpleAir sensor connects to. Or you may have changed your password and need to reconnect the device to your Wi-Fi. Follow the guide below to reset the WiFi network connection of your sensor.
Once you’ve followed the steps below and can connect to the sensor’s config page or see the PurpleAir-**** WiFi network, continue connecting your sensor by following the steps in our WiFi Troubleshooting Guide.
The first option requires finding the IP address assigned to the sensor by your router. If this is something you’re not comfortable with, you can start with the second option.
First Option: Use the Currently Connected WiFi Network
If you have access to the same WiFi network that the sensor is assigned to, you may look up the IP Address assigned to the sensor by the router. When connected to the WiFi network, you can enter the assigned IP Address in the address bar of any web browser to navigate to the sensor’s interface. From this Sensor’s Hotspot Login Page, update the WiFi Settings on the sensor. Depending on your router, you may also be able to look up the sensor by the hostname, http://purpleair-****.
The **** is a 2-4 character code determined by your sensor.
Second Option: Make the Configured WiFi Network Unavailable
If the sensor is already configured to a WiFi network, you will need to either take the sensor out of range or turn that network off. After about 10 minutes of being disconnected from that WiFi network (because it is out of range or turned off), the sensor will broadcast its own network again. Once you see the sensor’s network in the list of available WiFi networks on your computer or mobile device, connect to this network and configure the sensor to another WiFi network via the Sensor’s Hotspot Login Page.
If an SD card is inserted in the device, make sure to remove it before trying this step. It’s possible that the PurpleAir-**** WiFi network will take much longer than 10 minutes to appear when an SD card is inserted.
Third Option: Create a Hotspot
You can create a hotspot that a PurpleAir sensor will connect to when it is booting up. To do so, create a hotspot named “PurpleAir”. This must have no spaces, a capital P and a capital A.
The hotspot will need its password set to the device ID precisely as written on your sensor. Ensure that the all colons are included and that all letters are lowercase.
Once the hotspot is broadcasting, restart your sensor. As the sensor turns on, it will connect to your created hotspot. Using the steps listed in the First Option above, you can then connect to the sensor from your hotspot device (if it is a phone) or from another device connected to the hotspot.
Learn More
Sensor WiFi and Registration
WiFi Troubleshooting
The PurpleAir Utility