Problema de Conexión con WIFI

Buena tarde,

Mi nombre es Juan Simón, Técnico Ingeniero, de la sección de Monitoreo Ambiental del Ministerio de Ambiente de Panamá.

El motivo de este acercamiento después de casi 1 año de tener los 5 sensores purpple air instalados, estamos tenido problema con la conexión de WIFI.

Me refiero que a pesar que existen redes abiertas o contraseñas o incluso habilitación de acceso por mac adress, el sensor está indicando ‘‘Wifi Disconnected’’.

El equipo es el A4:E5:7C:24:2A.34.

Algunos intentos para tener acceso;

  1. Desconectar de la corriente y esperar 10 min, para reconfigurar y nada.
  2. Intentar conectar con otras redes WIFI, con contraseña o sin contraseña y NADA
  3. habilitación de una red por mac adress, tampoco funcionó.

Los equipos se desconectan con mucha regularidad.

Good afternoon,

My name is Juan Simón, Technical Engineer from the Environmental Monitoring section of the Ministry of Environment of Panama.

The reason for reaching out after almost 1 year of having the 5 Purple Air sensors installed is that we have been experiencing issues with the WiFi connection.

I mean that despite the existence of open networks or passwords or even enabling access by MAC address, the sensor is indicating “Wifi Disconnected.”

The device is A4:E5:7C:24:2A.34.

Some attempts to gain access:

  1. Disconnect from the power and wait for 10 minutes to reconfigure, but nothing.
  2. Try connecting to other WiFi networks, with or without a password, and NOTHING.
  3. Enabling a network by MAC address also did not work.

The devices disconnect very regularly.

Hi @MiAmbiente_PTY

We would love to assist you with this issue. Please send us an email at

Here is the final log, I just tried deleting and reflashing all, and it works only for 5 mins then I just Installed in the place to monitoring the air quality and it stop working.

I tried to connecto to my iphone hotspot that is beside the sensor and it show this log;