Sensor Needs Reset

Have Flex Sensor that needs to be reset. I haven’t found a lot of guidance on how but I installed the utility and see the option to erace all memory but will need firmware to restore device. Saw in a post that I could download it at but the site won’t load. Please advise about reset method and/or firmware download and flash.

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Hi @Graygeek

You can flash new firmware to the sensor in the Utility as well. If you’ve erased all memory, all you have to do is flash “SensorFirmware6.02f.bin.”

Have you seen the steps for doing so here? How to Flash Firmware to Your Sensor

Where do I get “sensorfirmware6.02f.bin”?

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sensorfirmware6.02f.bin is included with the PurpleAir Utility. If you click the “Select a Flash Action” drop-down, it will be listed as an available option.