PurpleAir Collective June - July 2024

We are now accepting applications for the June/July 2024 round of the PurpleAir Collective! Apply by replying to this post and answering the questions below!

Further details regarding the PurpleAir Collective can be found here: About the PurpleAir Collective

Submissions are now closed! Vote in the final selection poll here!


Please take the time to answer the questions below with thought and care. Submissions with missing or incomplete information will not be considered. Duplicate applications will be deleted.

1. What type of organization best describes you?

Organization types include Individual(s), Community Groups, Non-Profits, Educational, Researchers, Businesses, or other.

2. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization.

Who are you and what is your goal? Relevant images are welcome!

3. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?

Sensor models include the Classic, Classic SD, Flex, Zen, and Touch. Product descriptions can be found here: Products – PurpleAir, Inc.

4. In a short paragraph, describe your project.

Please make sure to touch upon its importance, uniqueness, and impact.

DISCLAIMER: By replying with a submission below, you:

  1. Give PurpleAir the right to contact you about your submission both during and after this run of the Collective. By default, PurpleAir will use the email and name associated with your Discourse account to do so. Real names are not required, we would just like something to refer to you by. If you would like a different name or email associated with your submission, please send a private message to @Kieran_PurpleAir.
  2. Agree to share information and future updates about your Project with PurpleAir.


For your convenience, please use the question template provided below to format your submission.

1. What type of organization best describes you?

2. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization.

3. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?

4. In a short paragraph, describe your project.

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1. What type of organization best describes you?


2. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization.

In 1932, the Putnam County Library, in Illinois, was organized as a state demonstration project, a pioneering effort for library service in Illinois. The demonstration was successful that the library became legally funded with tax support in 1938. The library operated as Illinois’ only county library until 1995, when the county library was converted to the Putnam County Public Library District. District status afforded the library more opportunities to better serve the community under Illinois Library Law. The district library operates with a library headquarters in Hennepin, and five branch sites in the villages of Granville, Standard, McNabb, Magnolia, and Putnam.

The library district serves a community of over five thousand, and provides effective access to informational, educational, cultural, and recreational materials and services in varied formats and technologies. In responding to community needs, the library emphasis is on providing a positive atmosphere for life-long learning and reading while upholding the public’s freedom of access to information.

3. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?

Classic, Flex or Zen (all would work). Six sensors would be ideal.

4. In a short paragraph, describe your project.

The sensors would be used at six rural locations to provide access to adequate, real-time air quality information and to be used in Citizen Science programming opportunities for library patrons and students at schools.

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1. What type of organization best describes you?
Public Benefit 501c3

2. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization.
Pole Mountain lookout(PML) is on the Sonoma Coast and has 2- HD fire Alert cameras that monitor the area 24/7. It would be a spectacular location for additional air quality monitoring. ALERTCalifornia - Tile Display

3. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?
1-2 PA-2 Flex sensors

4. In a short paragraph, describe your project.

Would like to add PurpleAir AQ monitoring to PML. Have solar power and internet available.



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  1. What type of organization best describes you?
    501c3 non-profit; frontline organizing community group
  1. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization.
    The Clean Air Coalition of WNY builds power by developing grassroots leaders who organize their communities to run and win environmental justice and public health campaigns in Western New York. About Us - The Clean Air Coalition of W.N.Y.
  1. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?
    Tempest Weather System, PurpleAir Flex.
  1. In a short paragraph, describe your project.
    We are launching a community air monitoring project in Erie and Niagara County in NYS. We recently purchased 30 PurpleAir Flex monitors that we will be distributing throughout these areas, but could certainly use more. We are also very interested in adding some of the new Tempest Weather System monitors to add additional data to our project.
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1. What type of organization best describes you?
We are a public high school.

2. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization.
We are the only high school in our town in Northern California. There is not a measure of air quality near enough to us to be accurate. Because of wildfires in Northern California it is important for us to have accurate information to make decisions for school and for our athletic teams.

3. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?
We are interested in 1 Purple Air Classic and 1 Purple Air Indoor Touch

4. In a short paragraph, describe your project.
We would like to have one monitor outside in our stadium and one in the gym. These facilities no only serve our school but also many community organizations use them so it benefits the whole community

  1. What type of organization best describes you?
    Homeschooling Group

  2. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization.
    A homeschooling group working with 2 local community groups who are concerned about the environmental & air quality impacts of a nearby marina development and ongoing air quality of coastal communities.

  3. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?
    3x PurpleAir Flex Sensors
    3x Outdoor power adapters (Australian Plug)
    3x Pre-Formatted SD Cards
    If possible please.

  4. In a short paragraph, describe your project.
    Our project is ensuring that air quality data is available for everyone and providing air quality monitoring data for future generations. We would also like to help broaden the network of currently available public sensors in Perth, Western Australia & provide air quality monitoring & data for the community affected by dust near the marina & other development sites. These sensors will be deployed at different locations to gather data about the effects of developments on the environment.


1. What type of organization best describes you?

The Community Center for Mental Health and Problematic Consumption of Saladillo is a public health organization and is one of several branches throughout the province of Buenos Aires. Several children and adolescents attend the facilities, participating in workshops and consultation spaces across various age ranges. The city of Saladillo, with 36,000 inhabitants, is located in the center of Buenos Aires province, Argentina.

2. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization.

The Community Center for Mental Health and Problematic Consumption of Saladillo is a facility embedded in the community, which means its proposals are oriented towards the community as a whole and not just the individual user. Its objective is to strengthen the potential and resources of the users, generating greater degrees of autonomy in meaningful activities for daily life in order to favor the process of community social integration. It promotes the identification of community referents in pursuit of social, labor, educational inclusion, among others.

The Day Center is an intermediate resource aimed at people with mental health issues and/or consumption problems who do not require hospitalization but need more support. It prioritizes the individuals’ stay within the family-community environment and works in an interdisciplinary manner.

3. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?

8 PurpleAir Flex with outdoor power supply. (2 to be used at the health institution and 6 to be used in kindergartens and middle schools that are linked to said institution, as part of the project described below).

4. In a short paragraph, describe your project.

As a teacher in educational institutions and concerned about the air quality in our community, the project is designed to integrate with a mental health center where children and youth attend, who also go to their respective educational institutions. For this reason, the mentioned sensors are intended partly to be installed at the health institution (both indoors and outdoors) and also to be taken to the schools and kindergartens where these children attend. This is to monitor both indoor and outdoor air quality and to use them as tools in teaching environmental sciences and controlling the air we breathe daily.


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1. What type of organization best describes you?
Non-profit - Formal and Non-Formal Educational Outreach and Community Engagement

2. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization.
The MTU Center for Science and Environmental Outreach (CSEO) provides STEM outreach and community engagement, develops and delivers K-12 science, engineering, and environmental education programs, creates and delivers professional development opportunities for STEM educators, and partners with local, state, and/or national organizations and initiatives for the advancement and improvement of place-based STEM education. The CSEO also serves as a conduit for helping Michigan Technological University and interested communities connect for teh purposes of expanding understanding and participation in science and engineering projects.

3. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?
up to 12 Purple Air Flex, plus an equal number of Outdoor Power Adapters

4. In a short paragraph, describe your project.
“Clear Skies, Clean Waters, Bright Futures” is a 4-day professional development institute at Michigan Technological University for 12 middle/high school teachers. During the workshop, teacher will learn (from content experts) about the issues associated with air, water, and light pollution and their impacts on environmental and human health. Participating teachers will be provided equipment (e.g., PurpleAir Flex) for use in their classrooms and schools to facilitate “place-based learning” for their students. By providing a PurpleAir Flex to each participating teacher, they will be able to incorporate, in their environmental science lessons, real-time data which are relevant and immediate to their students which will reinforce the importance of air pollution issues in each of their lives. As a result, with full support, this project will provide air pollution education to at least 1200 student each year.

1. What type of organization best describes you?
Community-based coalition, relationally anchored by our community’s non-profit social welfare organization that has been in continuous operation for 66 years.

2. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization. Our coalition is a networked association of community stakeholders, formed to support environmental quality of life in our Unincorporated CDP of 10,500, We are considered an “Urban island” being situated on the the farthest-edge borders between two of Southern California’s largest counties, and surrounded by municipalities.

By combining the shared resources of our local school board, county and state government representatives/agencies, with community non-profit organizations, we focus on human-capital and elevating social and behavioral awareness on sustainability and environmental justice issues.

3. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?

We would like 5 PurpleAir Flex or PurpleAir Zen (ideally 6, but can get by with 5) - They are mostly needed for PM measurements at our schools and will be mounted outdoors. wireless with SD backup capabilities would assure us more consistent data over our 3-month initial test.

4. In a short paragraph, describe your project.
We are located directly adjacent to one of the most heavily traveled Interstate connectors in the Los Angeles/Orange County area, and without direct city governance, our small community gets “lost” in the advocacy of the larger/better represented areas. Our solutions are not infrastructure based, but rather based in our strengths of partnering thru community engagement measures.

This first step moves us beyond our immediate community, and allows us to reach across in our partnerships. Having a very strong relationship with our School District, this first step is a pilot project to place air quality monitors at the 4 elementary schools that are specifically within our community. Being a tight-knit community, our communications allow us to concentrate (and test) awareness about air quality, and to create STEM learning opportunities for our single high school and two middle schools, thru community-based flipped classroom opportunities, using the data we collect.

Subsequent phases would move more sensors into individual homes thru parent-involvement using our community organization, and supported by PTA advocacy efforts, that would onboard individual households and property owners.

**1. What type of organization best describes you?
Individual/Group of small towns in Monroe County, Wisconsin
2. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization.
Individual that wants to monitor air quality in Monroe County, WI where I have lived for 20 years. I want to educate others about particle matter (PM).
3. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?
1 Purple Air Flex
4. In a short paragraph, describe your project..
Monroe County Wisconsin (County) has had a lot of folks move in recently that use wood for heating and cooking in the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. The air quality in these areas has become very bad at times. I have used a hand held air quality monitor, and have been working with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Air Quality Division (WIAQ) to monitor this problem. Because our County has a low population and no large cities, WIAQ does not have any of their large air quality monitors located here. WIAQ recommends Purple Air because the data is stored securely and there is no question that the data has been manipulated, and others can view the data, so provides good evidence. I have been educated about the dangers of PM10 and especially PM2.5 and find it difficult to educate others because people think that if you can’t see the “smoke” then it must not be a problem-they don’t understand that the emissions you can’t see (PM2.5 and smaller) are the most dangerous to our health. I want to pass this monitor around to various small towns in our County that have the wood smoke problem and educate them. I would also like to run the monitor on a solar panel.

  1. What type of organization best describes you?

We are a student-led startup focusing on environmental technology and community engagement.

  1. In two to three sentences, please describe your organization.

CarbonCLAIR is an innovative startup founded by undergraduate engineers from Manhattan College and CCNY. Our mission is to improve air quality in urban environments through advanced air purification technologies and community-based participatory research. We collaborate with institutions and local communities to address environmental justice and public health issues.

  1. Which PurpleAir sensor model(s) are you interested in and how many do you need for your project?

We are interested in the PurpleAir Zen model. For our project, we need 10 sensors to establish a comprehensive air quality monitoring network around the construction area in Jamaica, Queens NY. We will be purchasing sensors as the grant funds arrive, Any contributed sensors will be acknowledged for the support of this pilot program. the remaining will be purchased with our limited budget.

  1. In a short paragraph, describe your project.

Our pilot program, in collaboration with Mount Sinai, aims to monitor and mitigate the air quality impacts of the Jamaica Bus Depot reconstruction in Jamaica, Queens. Over the next two years, we will deploy PurpleAir sensors to collect real-time data on particulate matter (PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10) levels. This data will be used to identify pollution hotspots, assess the effectiveness of our CarbonCLAIR passive carbon-capturing technology, and engage with the local community through educational workshops and transparent data sharing. The ultimate goal is to develop actionable insights that can inform policy changes and improve public health outcomes in the community. and move the case into action based funding through CFF fund and CCELL.

@rblomquist @John_Lester @BridgeCleanAir @MichelleDavis @AirFright @llamaita @MTU-CSEO @Maryann @mroets @CarbonCLAIR

Thank you all for your submissions. The selection poll is available here! I encourage you to engage your communities and get them to vote. I wish you all luck.


@MichelleDavis @AirFright @CarbonCLAIR @llamaita @rblomquist @MTU-CSEO @Maryann @mroets @BridgeCleanAir

Reminding you that there is a week left in the Collective poll. Get your communities engaged!