April 2024 Collective Poll

Hi All!

We have paired down the applications we’ve received, and are excited to release the final poll. If you do not see your submission here, that does mean your application hasn’t been selected to move forward. However, you are more than welcome to resubmit in the future. This poll will close at the end of the day on April 12th.

Below, you can find short descriptions of each project. Please take the time to read through them, then vote via the Google Form at the bottom of the page.

Scioto County Storm Chase Center - Gregory Syroney

Gregory is applying on behalf of the Scioto County Storm Chaser Center, which is a non-profit group that seeks to provide accurate weather information to their local community. With a PurpleAir monitor, they want to provide air quality information as well.

City of San Leandro Community Group "Harlan Has Heart" - Cynthia Prieto-Diaz

Cynthia is applying on behalf of an informal community group named Harlan has Heart. The group wants to widen the air quality network in the city of San Leandro, California. Presently, air quality monitoring equipment is only present near areas of immediate concern, leaving gaps in air quality knowledge. This group wants to close those gaps.

Volcanic Research - Rosie Lewis

Rosie is applying on behalf of her research project with the University of Leeds. Her project has already placed a number of sensors near the site of an active volcano in Montserrat, the Soufriere Hills. These devices help measure the impact of ash mining and other similar activities on local communities. Rosie is requesting a few additional sensors to widen their network and replace damaged/ broken devices.

Clean Air Communities Australia - Arabella Daniel

Arabella is applying on behalf of a community group named Clean Air Communities based in Victoria, Australia. Their project will promote air quality monitoring by publicly calling for a host residence or school to submit an application to adopt the donated sensor. Over time, regular, local, air quality reporting will hopefully raise community awareness of air quality issues.

West High School - Vanessa Tran

Vanessa is applying on behalf of a student group from West High School in Salt Lake City. As part of a wider initiative, this student group intends to travel to different schools, libraries, and other locations to spread awareness about air quality as well as engage their community.

Grease Waste Processor - Tanner Jessel

Tanner is applying on behalf of their neighborhood of Chestnut Ridge in East Knoxville, Tennessee.This neighborhood is in an ongoing dispute over a grease waste processor set up nearby. Residents are concerned about what the processor is doing to their air. A donated sensor would mean being able to produce their own air quality information.

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How do you see the Poll Results?

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Hi @StormChaser45662

When we close the poll, we’ll release the results here in the community. We are, however, looking for feedback on this process and would appreciate if you have any insight. Would you prefer to see live results?


Welcome, Storm Chaser Gregory Syroney!!


Yes, I would prefer to see live results, like in other polls that other websites do when they ask for people to vote.

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Hi All,

Just a reminder that there is one week left on the poll! I’m providing updates on the current votes below:

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 1.35.36 PM

1st: Scioto County Storm Chase Center (80 votes)
2nd: West High School (47 votes)
3rd: Volcanic Research (29 Votes)
4th: Harlan Has Heart (27 votes)
5th: Clean Air Communities Australia (21 votes)
6th: Grease Waste Processor (14 votes)

It’s not too late to get votes in!

Please email contact@purpleair.com if you have any questions.


Now let’s see what the final poll results are.

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Yes. I would enjoy seeing live real-time results!!

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When are the poll results going to be posted?

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Hi @StormChaser45662 @Bumchamp7

The results will be posted soon. We are working on finalizing some details and then we will let you all know!