Any word on when/if the integration of PurpleAir and Tempest will occur?
I did go for the Tempest when I received the offer of a discount that mentioned the integration.
Any word on when/if the integration of PurpleAir and Tempest will occur?
I did go for the Tempest when I received the offer of a discount that mentioned the integration.
What if we already have the tempest station? How will the integration work? I actually have the tempest and ambient WS-2000 at the same location along with a Cocorahs rain gauge. Im looking forward to the tempest integration!
I have no idea. I was just hoping someone might have a bit more info. A while ago, I had asked if they needed any additional beta testers and was informed that they had sufficient testers. So I will just hoping for an update.
Just bumping the subject matter to see if there’s any new word on the integration of Purple Air Data and Weather Flow’s Tempest Weather Station Data?
Well, this was just in an email. Tempest is selling Purple Air products.
“Coming later this year, PurpleAir’s air quality data will be integrated into the Tempest Weather app, offering users a comprehensive solution for tracking weather conditions and air quality in real-time. This data will include PM2.5 (particulate matter concentrations) and AQI (Air Quality Index) from PurpleAir’s network of air quality monitors. This integration will combine the power of Tempest weather insights with PurpleAir’s air quality data for a complete picture of your outdoor environment before you even open the front door!”
Tempest will be implementing PurpleAir data into their map later this year. At this time, we have no plans of implementing Tempest data into our map.
I’m still interested in this integration. Thanks for a quick update.