Can't login

With a new version of the map, I can’t seem to log in anymore, and my sensor is just a gray dot. Anybody know how to fix that? Thank you.

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Hi @jimtyler, does this behavior remain when using a different web browser or device? Try both of these and let us know if you see any change.

Just go to feedback and report your issue… There are certain apps that will help with this.

Thanks Shaun, but where is feedback?

Thanks for the reply Josh. I’m having problems with seeing my sensor on both of my phones and on my laptop. I does seem to be visible when I click on the “view my sensor” link on my last registration form. Before I did that, all the sensors on the map had a similar colored disc around them. In the past, All my devices would keep me logged in most of the time, even when putting the laptop to sleep, or when the phone had been inactive overnight. Now, when I want to check the air quality, I have to mess around with the website map. Sometimes I’m successful, and sometimes not. How can I fix this situation? Thanks.