VOC Measurement Availability

I would like to review VOC data from sensors. I see that only a few sensors are reporting VOC levels. 1). How can I upgrade my sensor to report VOC levels ? 2). Do new sensors automatically report VOC ?


PurpleAir sensors use the BME280/688 for temperature, humidity, pressure, and VOC measurements.

  • The BME280 provides temperature, humidity, and pressure readings.
  • The BME688 provides these as well, and additionally provides VOC readings.

Please note that the VOC readings are experimental. South Coast AQMD has a report available here where they examined VOC readings from PurpleAir sensors.

  1. If your sensor is a PurpleAir Classic or Classic-SD, you can purchase a BME688 from us and replace the BME280 it currently uses. This will allow it to provide VOC readings.

  2. Newly purchased PurpleAir Flex, Zen, and Touch Indoor devices come with a BME688 and provide VOC readings. Newly purchased PurpleAir Classic and Classic-SD devices come with a BME280 and are not capable of VOC readings without the above-mentioned upgrade.


If I am not mistaken, the PA sensors that report “VOCs”, actually report TVOC

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I just bought a flex and registered it. How can I see the humidity and VOC levels on my local sensor website? (ie: is where it’s at on my network and I only see the PM numbers). I got the flex specifically because I wanted to see the VOC and humidity because I smell JET-A fuel at times during the inversions in SLC. I live near the airport. I don’t see them anywhere on my local sensor webpage. I only see the standard PM1.0 (µg/m3) PM2.5 (µg/m3) PM10 (µg/m3).

I know I can see it with menu options on the purpleair map, but I’d like to see them all at once for my local sensor.

Thank you in advance.