Obtaining Long Term Data

Hi all, I am currently trying to analyze rush hour traffic on the air quality in the LA area and I was wondering if there is any way to obtain data from over the last year for a certain number of sensors? I’m not sure if I need to reach out to the devs or something else, but I would love some support on this!

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Hi @Craftyleosteel

Long-term historical data can be retrieved from the PurpleAir API. It is important to note that the API is a paid service using a points-based billing system. Each new account starts out with 1,000,000 points. Depending on your API usage, this may or may not be sufficient for your needs. If you need assistance navigating the API and points usage, you can reach out to contact@purpleair.com.

Thank you, Kieran! I think I will likely need more points but I will try to contact the contact email!