The map web page is showing my A values because it says my B is “not reliable”.
In actuality my B values are in line with other stations around me and A is way off… sitting near zero.
Is there a way to have the B value show up by default on the map?
Thanks… George
(Doug White)
February 14, 2023, 10:30pm
Have you tried the maintenance procedure on the sensor to address the discrepancy?
Once your sensor has been in service at the installation location, it becomes exposed to foreign contaminants. We expect the sensor to contact airborne particulate matter. But undesirable contaminants may impede the function of the sensor.
We do not recommend a regular cleaning schedule for PurpleAir sensors, and no preventive maintenance is required. If one of the laser counters is not reporting as expected, is downgraded, reporting high, not working, or spikes erratically, then it is possible…
(Doug White)
February 15, 2023, 12:50am
I linked a procedure to clean the sensors which can fix the issue you are having with one sensor stuck at or near zero. Can you try it and see if it fixes your A sensor?