5 year old PA-II repairable?

Hello. I’ve been running a PurpleAir PA-II for over 5 years. About a week ago, it stopped reporting and was no longer visible on my WiFi. I unplugged it for a few minutes and reconnected. It’s now active again, but reporting what appears to be very bad data. Channel A is at or near zero for PM1.0, PM2.5, and PM10 most of the time. Channel B seems pegged at 4195 for all the values. Has my PurpleAir finally died after all these years or is there some way to repair or replace the laser cartridges?

Thank you.

After doing some additional searching, I learned that the laser counters are replaceable. PurpleAir sells them here. I’ll give that a try and hopefully have my PA-II back in service soon.



The sensors have a lifetime of only about 2 years, so if yours lasted 5 years, you’re a winner. I just replaced mine. Took 30 minutes, cost $50.


Thanks Ed, good to know. Ordered the replacement yesterday.

I have two PA-II monitors that have been running continuously for three years 9 months. They continue to agree with values returned by two other PA-II monitors that have been running for 2 years 3 months. And they in turn agree with two flex monitors that are less than one month old.


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