Using the API Dashboard

This article is related to the PurpleAir API. If you are unfamiliar with it, check out our About the PurpleAir API page to get started. allows users to edit, create, and manage their API keys and usage.


API keys now belong to projects, and projects belong to organizations. This hierarchy will allow users to stay organized and simply control their API usage.


The Organizations tab will display your organization. The name of this organization can be changed by clicking the Edit button. Your Organization’s API usage can be found here in pie charts and usage graphs. The Purchase points button allows you to add points to your organization.


The Projects tab will display the projects within your organization. New projects can be created by clicking the + Project button in the top-right corner.

Once a project has been completed and is no longer needed, it can be archived by clicking the three dots next to the project name and selecting the Archive option. If the project needs to be unarchived, you will need to contact PurpleAir support.

API Keys

The API Keys tab displays all API keys in your organization. Each entry will show the project the API key is under, the key itself, its type (read or write), its status, its rate limit, recent usage, and its user. New API keys can be created by clicking the + API Key button in the top-right corner. For more information on creating API keys, view the article Creating API Keys.

The Update API Key button will allow you to edit an API key’s settings.

  • Project: The project this API key is a part of.
  • Type: Cannot be edited. This can only be set while creating a new API key.
  • Status: Enables or disables the ability to use this API key.

Once an API key is no longer needed, it can be archived by clicking the three dots on the right and selecting the Archive option. If the API key needs to be unarchived, you will need to contact PurpleAir support.


The Users tab displays all users under your organization. API keys must have a user assigned to them, which can be set to any user in the organization while being created. The name of a user can be edited by clicking the three dots to the right and selecting the Edit User button.


API usage consumes points. If a user does not have enough points in their organization to make an API call, the API will return a “PaymentRequiredError.” To fix this, points must be added to your account.

If you are a PurpleAir sensor owner and are running out of points querying your own sensors, please email and we’ll assist you.

One million points will be granted to new accounts (organizations) by default. Any additional points will need to be purchased.

Learn More

How to Make Efficient API Calls
API Points for Sensor Owners
API Pricing