For my project, I need to get all the latitudes and longitude of all (both current and past) PurpleAIr sensors in South Africa using the PurpleAir Data Download Tool.
I tested doing this with one sensor with the sensor ID number: 75851. Here is how my download page looks:
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to update my process to get the locations (latitude and longitude) of sensor ID number sensor ID number: 75851 and on how to get the same data for all sensors in South Africa?
The latitude and longitude values of PurpleAir sensors are not currently available through the historical API. You will need to use the real-time API to get that data. You can use the “Get Sensors Data” request with a bounding box to collect these values.
Thank you. This really helped. I am having an issue with this method. I used the real-time API to and bounding box to collect these values. However, I only get sensors that are currently collecting data and not past sensors. Is there anyone to get past sensors using this method?