Moss Landing Battery Fire

We are wondering if Purpleair sensors collect non-particulate pollution data? I have read that the burnt batteries are sending chlorine and/or florine gases into the atmosphere. We are trying to assess the risk to us here in Santa Cruz, as well as understanding the long-term affects of this event on our region.

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I just spoke with Irene at MBARD. The sensors they use measure wood burning smoke, not the potentially toxic stuff the Vistra fire is emitting. She explained that no local air district has the special sensors necessary for measuring those toxins. Only the EPA has the ability to do that. I assume, but don’t know, that PurpleAir sensors aren’t specialized enough to measure such toxins either. She said a briefing was being held as we spoke (8:35AM) and that MBARD would be updating its info following the conclusion of that briefing. She also said that winds were light, the smoke was being blown out over the ocean and “we’re being told it’s in contained area”, presumably the evacuation zone. She also said I was welcome to call back after 9:30. If you have questions I didn’t think to ask or need clarification of what I’ve shared here, MBARD’s number is (831) 647-9411. Ask for Irene.

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Do you mean MBARI? Thank you for this information!

Not MBARI. Monterey Bay Air Resources District. (District includes Santa Cruz County). Just called KSBW. Video of the meeting Irene referred to is posted on their website here: WATCH: Emergency meeting held over fire at world's largest battery plant.
KSBW Managing Editor, Joshua Copitch 831-758-7763 told me a press conference is scheduled for 10AM and KSBW will cover it live.

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# Moss Landing Power Plant Official Press Conference Not sure where KSBW is. Not broadcasting this live.

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Thank you again, Mary!