Is there a way to get the location data from an offline sensor?

I am a new user of PurpleAir.
I have mounted a PA-II-SD in a location where it does not have WiFi. I plan to download the data from the SD card at regular interval. I checked the data guide and found that I can download the CSV file with appropriate headers. But none of the headers seem to indicate the location of the sensor.

Is there a way to download the sensor location (longitude/latitude) from offline data?

As far as I know there isn’t.

But there also really isn’t a need for it to log location into the CSV files.
It doesn’t have a GPS on it to find the coordinates, and you probably aren’t moving constantly.

You can find the longitude/latitude by dropping a pin on Google Maps where you placed the sensor. To keep the location recorded on the SD card, you could probably paste the coordinates into Notepad and save them as a TXT file to the card.

Let me know if your PA-II-SD doesn’t consistently record data to the SD card. I’ve been having some issues with the PA-II-Flex…

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Thanks EKauffman!
I guess I will use Google Maps to get the long/lat.

Yes, my sensor does seem to consistently record data to SD card. Both channels give very close measurements to one another.

does your sd card give PM reading in micrometers?