I can only download data of the last three days

I want to measure the fine dust in my air for a period of 7 days. I am now trying if everything works but I have found out that on the map I can only download data of the last three days. Is there a possibility to download all the data or at least one weak of the data which the sensor has measured?

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Hi @Elia_Seitz,

The map download is limited in the amount of time you can download. The limits are as follows (averages are on the left, the amount of time you can download is on the right):

10-minute: 3 days
30-minute: 7 days
1-hour: 14 days
6-hour: 90 days
1-day: 1 year
1-week: 5 years
1-month: 20 years
1-year: 100 years

To download more data, you will need to use our API. We have created a download tool that will help you use the API without programming experience. More information is available here: PurpleAir Data Download Tool.

Thank you! I’ll try it out :smiley:

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