Crowdfunding Sensor in Unmonitored Area

My partner and I recently moved from Laurel Canyon to a village north of San Bernardino in the SB Mountain Range called Crestline. Currently, there is no Purple Air sensor here. As we just recently moved, and I am unemployed currently, we are extremely tight on cash. I was posting on here in hopes that I could crowdfund a Purple Air sensor for my home as partner, myself and my dog (snub-nose breed) are sensitive to the air up here; seemingly more so than LA where I have lived the last decade.

I moved from LA for various reasons, finances being one of them; being more in tune with what I thought was natural and intended for me another. However, I learned that due to the very specific elevation of Crestline (4500’-5200’) entraps ozone particles (PM2.5) and doesn’t allow them to escape. Areas just east of Crestline have Purple Air sensors and show very healthy air.

I am hoping that with the good of the community and company that mayhaps I could will a sensor here, so that Crestline, too, can have its own Purple Air sensor.