Category Topics


PurpleAir is built on the ideals of sharing data and empowering individuals to institute real change. All public PurpleAir data is available to download under various licenses from private, not for profit, use, to educational and commercial use. If you have a question about PurpleAir data, and don’t see an answer, please ask!


This category serves as a knowledge base for information regarding PurpleAir sensors and other hardware. Here you can find information about setting up your sensor, troubleshooting, and other related topics. If you have a question, and can’t find an answer, please ask!


This category contains general information and resources. Here you can find information that may not belong in any other category. If you have a question, but aren’t sure where to put it, post it here!

Community Projects

Show off your PurpleAir projects and other community activities here! This category serves as a place to share and learn about using air quality sensors in community projects. If you have a question and don’t see the answer, please ask!

Real-Time Map

This category will guide you through the basics of the PurpleAir Real-time Map. Whether you own a sensor or not, the map provides useful data for your consideration. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please ask!

User Experience

This category can be used to share your experiences with PurpleAir. It is a great place to post feedback, feature requests, and bug reports. We highly value community feedback, please don’t feel shy about providing it here!


Here, you can find frequently asked questions about PurpleAir’s sensors, map, and data. Feel free to browse. If you have a question thats not here, please ask!


This category serves as a living library of research on and using PurpleAir sensors. If you find or perform research that you think others should see, post it here!

Air Quality Events

As a PurpleAir Community member, you can use this category to discuss local air quality issues and other interesting data you come across. If you have a related question, please ask it here!

PurpleAir Donation Initiative

This category houses topics related to the PurpleAir Donation Initiative. Vote on who should receive a sensor or submit an application.