Results of the PurpleAir Collective Round 2

Hi all!

The poll for the second round of the Collective has come to a close, and we are very pleased with the outcome. We want to extend a thank you to all of those who participated, whether through votes or the applications themselves, and congratulate those who will be receiving sensors.

We’re sure you’ve all been looking, but in case you haven’t, an image of the results can be found below.

For this run, we have decided to donate sensors to the top five submissions. Pursuant to that, the final votes fall as below:

1st: @MichelleDavis
2nd: @llamaita
3rd: @AirFright
4th: @CarbonCLAIR
5th: @rblomquist

If your submission made it to the top five, look out for an email soon to work out details. Thank you all again!