I tried to resurrect my old project Purp to better visualize PurpleAir data, it went dead with the new API changes.
After adapting it to the new API, I noticed a few main issues:
- the rate limits seem extremely excessive - it seems enough to make 2-3 requests a second and I’m getting 429 / “RateLimitExceededError”. I understand some limits, but this is not reasonable at all, and prevents some usage models
- yesterday I was getting random “payment needed” errors, today they are gone. Still, very weird
These issues make API usage super cumbersome. It’s very hard to design even a simple app and not to hit these issues.
Are these constraints documented somewhere? And if they are the way they seem to be, any plans on changing these?
P.S. As a side note, the session time at https://develop.purpleair.com is super short, can’t tell for sure, but it seems to be logging me out after ~1 hour or so. That’s, again, totally unreasonable.