New Version of the PurpleAir API on July 18th

Hi, I’m using the Python example mentioned at (Making API Calls in Other Languages) to download 1440 minutes-averaged historical data over the CONUS in 2021. I’m downloading historical data from all stations one by one in a for loop.
This is the URL I’m using in function “getSensorData” to download one station:
I ran the code and it used to download data, however, it’s now unable to get data and I get error “JSONDecodeError: Expecting value”.
Can anyone help me please?

After the function, I use below codes to retrieve data from JSON.
D = getSensorData(sensor_index) # sensor_index is 131075 here
One_Sensor_Info = D.json()

The error raises in line “One_Sensor_Info = D.json()”

Thanks in advance,