The returned historical API response end_timestamp field is returning a much later timestamp than any of the returned data, which seems to be new/changed/breaking behavior.
I make a call with the following form, I get back a bogus end_timestamp.
The above start_timestamp see in a human friendly form is:
new Date(1731628803*1000)
Thu Nov 14 2024 16:00:03 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
The return payload has the following shape:
# ...snip...
"end_timestamp": 1747180803
Made pretty:
new Date(1747180803*1000)
Tue May 13 2025 17:00:03 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
Yikes–May 2025!
I’ve been running my process to periodically sync data for a couple years, and things just started going haywire last month when another volunteer analyst told me we stopped getting data mid-November. maybe in Apr/May 2024?
My sync process was using this end_timestamp as a watermark of when to never request data before. The watermark is getting pushed artificially far into the future!
start_timestamp and end_timestamp are NOT related to the period of record for the sensor. They represent bounds of the submitted query, nothing more.
As per the API docs for the get-sensor-history call and this post, the valid values for end_timestamp depend on the requested average time and the maximum amount of data returned per call. The returned end_timestamp was the one used in the call. For a 1 hour average you can request up to 180 days of data. The data are returned unordered. end_timestamp defaults to start_timestamp + the maximum time limit for average.
Best not to rely on defaults and provide a start_timestamp and end_timestamp in your call so you get the data you are expecting.
Along that line, there does not appear to be an API query that provides the period of record for a given sensor. date_created should be a safe lower bound – no data could possibly exist before then – but if a sensor has gone offline there is no way to know when the last observation was without fetching the entire history up until current. There doesn’t seem to be a field for indicating when a sensor was archived, if that happened, either.