Chat with a reporter about monitoring air quality?

Hi, I’m a reporter at Wired and I’m looking to chat with people who monitor and share air quality info like wildfire smoke and other data. Do you have a home monitoring setup and share the data on PurpleAir or elsewhere? If so, I’d love to talk with you!

Feel free to reply here, or shoot me an email at Hope everyone’s breathing easy out there!

(Also if this kind of post isn’t allowed here, you can nuke it I understand)


This sounds like a great way to collect some information! Our community is a fantastic place to find individuals who deeply care about the air we breathe!


Just sent you an email.

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Yes I do in Rocky Point, NY. It’s on the grid plus I feed data into my own database with own designed webfrontend end for a nicer representation :slight_smile: See screenshot.
I do a lot of outdoor exercise and like to have a precise local measurement to judge the dose of dirty air…

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