This article is related to the PurpleAir API. If you are unfamiliar with it, check out our API Landing Page to get started.
This list contains definitions for fields that can be used with the historical API. The left side of the table is the name of the field and the right side contains its description.
For any PurpleAir sensors with two laser counters, one laser counter is referred to as Channel A, and the other is referred to as Channel B. These are denoted in the fields with “_a” and “_b” suffixes.
Name | Description | |
sensor_index | The sensor’s index. Can be used to add a sensor to a group or view it’s details. This field is included by default in every GET request and should not be added to the fields. |
name | The name given to the sensor from the registration form and used on the PA map (this field does not currently work with historical endpoints). | |
last_seen | The UNIX time stamp of the last time the server received data from the device (this field does not currently work with historical endpoints). | |
hardware | The sensors and other hardware that was detected by the firmware. | |
latitude | The latitude position value for the sensor (this field does not currently work with historical endpoints). | |
longitude | The longitude position value for the sensor (this field does not currently work with historical endpoints). | |
altitude | The altitude for the sensor’s location in feet (this field does not currently work with historical endpoints). | |
firmware_version | The last known firmware version on the device. | |
rssi | The WiFi signal strength. | |
uptime | The time in minutes since the firmware started as last reported by the sensor. | |
pa_latency | The time taken to send data to the PurpleAir servers in milliseconds. | |
memory | Free HEAP memory in Kb. | |
humidity | Returns humidity average for channel A and B. Relative humidity inside of the sensor housing (%). On average, this is 4% lower than ambient conditions. Null if not equipped. | |
humidity_a | Returns humidity data for channel A. | |
humidity_b | Returns humidity data for channel B. | |
temperature | Returns temperature average for channel A and B. Temperature inside of the sensor housing (F). On average, this is 8F higher than ambient conditions. Null if not equipped. | |
temperature_a | Returns temperature data for channel A. | |
temperature_b | Returns temperature data for channel B. | |
pressure | Returns pressure average for channel A and B. Current pressure in Millibars. | |
pressure_a | Returns pressure data for channel A. | |
pressure_b | Returns pressure data for channel B. | |
voc | Returns VOC average for channel A and B. VOC concentration (IAQ) in Bosch static iaq units as per BME680 spec sheet, EXPERIMENTAL. Null if not equipped. | |
voc_a | Returns VOC data for channel A. | |
voc_b | Returns VOC data for channel B. | |
analog_input | If anything is connected to it, the analog voltage on ADC input of the PurpleAir sensor control board. | |
pm1.0_atm | Returns ATM variant average for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. Estimated mass concentration PM1 (ug/m3). PM1 are extremely fine particulates with a diameter of fewer than 1 microns. | |
pm1.0_atm_a | Returns ATM variant for channel A. | |
pm1.0_atm_b | Returns ATM variant for channel B. | |
pm1.0_cf_1 | Returns CF=1 variant average for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. | |
pm1.0_cf_1_a | Returns CF=1 variant for channel A. | |
pm1.0_cf_1_b | Returns CF=1 variant for channel B. | |
pm2.5_alt | Returns average ALT variant for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels.The ALT Variant estimated mass concentration PM2.5 (ug/m3) is derived from the particle counts. PM2.5 are fine particulates with a diameter of fewer than 2.5 microns. | |
pm2.5_alt_a | Returns ALT variant for channel A. | |
pm2.5_alt_b | Returns ALT variant for channel B. | |
pm2.5_atm | Returns ATM variant average for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. Estimated mass concentration PM2.5 (ug/m3). PM2.5 are fine particulates with a diameter of fewer than 2.5 microns. | |
pm2.5_atm_a | Returns ATM variant for channel A. | |
pm2.5_atm_b | Returns ATM variant for channel B. | |
pm2.5_cf_1 | Returns CF=1 variant average for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. | |
pm2.5_cf_1_a | Returns CF=1 variant for channel A. | |
pm2.5_cf_1_b | Returns CF=1 variant for channel B. | |
pm10.0_atm | Returns ATM variant average for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. Estimated mass concentration PM10 (ug/m3). PM10 are coarse particulates with a diameter of fewer than 10 microns. | |
pm10.0_atm_a | Returns ATM variant for channel A. | |
pm10.0_atm_b | Returns ATM variant for channel B. | |
pm10.0_cf_1 | Returns CF=1 variant average for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. | |
pm10.0_cf_1_a | Returns CF=1 variant for channel A. | |
pm10.0_cf_1_b | Returns CF=1 variant for channel B. | |
scattering_coefficient | Returns average for channel A and B. Fine Particulate Light Scattering: The interaction of light with fine particulate matter causing the light to be redirected from its path. When looking at a scene, haze is partially due to light emanating from the scenic elements being scattered out of the sight path and random light (air light) being scattering into the sight path. See, Visibility Basics – Improve. | |
scattering_coefficient_a | Returns scattering coefficient data for channel A. | |
scattering_coefficient_b | Returns scattering coefficient data for channel B. | |
deciviews | Returns deciviews average for channel A and B. A haze index related to light scattering and extinction that is approximately linearly related to human perception of the haze. See | |
deciviews_a | Returns deciviews data for channel A. | |
deciviews_b | Returns deciviews data for channel B. | |
visual_range | Returns average for channel A and B. Often referred to as visibility, visual range is the distance from the observer that a large dark object, e.g. a mountain top or large building, just disappears from view. | |
visual_range_a | Returns visual range data for channel A. | |
visual_range_b | Returns visual range data for channel B. | |
0.3_um_count | Returns average particle count for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. Count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 0.3 µm diameter. | |
0.3_um_count_a | Returns particle count for channel A. | |
0.3_um_count_b | Returns particle count for channel B. | |
0.5_um_count | Returns average particle count for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. Count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 0.5 µm diameter. | |
0.5_um_count_a | Returns particle count for channel A. | |
0.5_um_count_b | Returns particle count for channel B. | |
1.0_um_count | Returns average particle count for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. Count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 1.0 µm diameter. | |
1.0_um_count_a | Returns particle count for channel A. | |
1.0_um_count_b | Returns particle count for channel B. | |
2.5_um_count | Returns average particle count for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. Count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 2.5 µm diameter. | |
2.5_um_count_a | Returns particle count for channel A. | |
2.5_um_count_b | Returns particle count for channel B. | |
5.0_um_count | Returns average particle count for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. Count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 5.0 µm diameter. | |
5.0_um_count_a | Returns particle count for channel A. | |
5.0_um_count_b | Returns particle count for channel B. | |
10.0_um_count | Returns average particle count for channel A and B but excluding downgraded channels. Count concentration (particles/100ml) of all particles greater than 10.0 µm diameter. | |
10.0_um_count_a | Returns particle count for channel A. | |
10.0_um_count_b | Returns particle count for channel B. |