The “Data Layer“ field determines which indices, scales, or metadata to display on the Map Markers, graphs, and the map legend. The default field-selection is “US EPA PM2.5 AQI“.
Raw Data Layers
This next partition of data layers is a section of direct data that has not been translated for any particular index or general use. Data for this section are supplied by the laser counter(s) and auxiliary units within the PurpleAir sensors. Choose a data layer from the following section to present the sensor data within the standard scale.
Raw PM1.0 (µg/m³): This field selection displays the raw \text{PM}_{1.0} measurements in micrograms per cubic meter of air from the laser counter.
Raw PM2.5 (µg/m³): This field selection displays the raw \text{PM}_{2.5} measurements in micrograms per cubic meter of air from the laser counter.
Raw PM10 (µg/m³): This field selection displays the raw \text{PM}_{10} measurements in micrograms per cubic meter of air from the laser counter.
Particles >= 0.3µm (particles / dL): This field selection displays the number of particles per deciliter whose size is greater than, or equal to, 0.3 micrometers.
Particles >= 0.5µm (particles / dL): This field selection displays the number of particles per deciliter whose size is greater than, or equal to, 0.5 micrometers.
Particles >= 1.0µm (particles / dL): This field selection displays the number of particles per deciliter whose size is greater than, or equal to, 1.0 micrometers.
Particles >= 2.5µm (particles / dL): This field selection displays the number of particles per deciliter whose size is greater than, or equal to, 2.5 micrometers.
Particles >= 5.0µm (particles / dL): This field selection displays the number of particles per deciliter whose size is greater than, or equal to, 5.0 micrometers.
Particles >= 10µm (particles / dL): This field selection displays the number of particles per deciliter whose size is greater than, or equal to, 10 micrometers.
Raw Temperature (°F): This field selection displays the uncorrected temperature, which is usually elevated due to heat given off by the WiFi module in PurpleAir sensors.
Raw Humidity (%): This field selection displays the uncorrected humidity, which usually reads low due to heat given off by the WiFi module in PurpleAir sensors.
Raw Pressure (mbar): This field selection displays the atmospheric pressure in millibars.
Learn More
Air Quality Index
PurpleAir Map Guide
Which AQI Data Layer to Choose