Points update?

Back in 2023 I tried integrating a Purple sensor in to my home automation system, the plugin blew through my “points” and I abandoned it and just used my AirLink data.

I am switching HA programs (to ‘home assistant’) and figured I’d look in to integrating the 2x Purple’s again.

I created a new key and project, and saw that there were still “points” and a new “Burn-out” metric. It appears I’ll have to pay $10 per month to use my Purples.

There was a post from January of 2024 implying that we’d somehow be getting enough ‘free points’ to use our own data ourselves? I’m not sure if anything ever came of that. I don’t see anything other than the refunded points I got back in 2023 and the extra points I bought this week so I could have a month worth of testing available to me.

Is there a local api yet? Or a ‘points for sensor owners’ system actually in place?


Hi @dpattee

The points system you mentioned is still in development. However, we do not want sensor owners to pay for the data from their sensors. Please send a request to contact@purpleair.com and we can manually grant you points.

Is there a local api yet?

There’s been a local API for a long time. Details here: