By default ALL (outdoor & indoor) sensors are displayed. When looking at a map of a large area, indoor sensors only add noise and are skewing a “big picture” view of the area… Why would anyone care about INDOOR air quality when looking at LA metro??? This is borderline moronic. Just because you have these data sources, doesn’t mean you should show them! Please hide the indoor sensors!!! If anyone really wants to see their indoor sensor, they can check the box.
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I’m agree, please hide all indoor sensors on maps by default!
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Agree., hide by default and people can check a box if they want to see them. In the same way, we should also hide all sensors that have a location rating of zero by default. This data will mislead the vast majority of people about the air quality at that location. For example, the two sensors in Adelaide called “Outdoor Test 1” and “Outdoor Test 2” which have a location rating of zero and consistently show much better air quality than all of the other sensors in Adelaide during pollution events. Who knows where these sensors really are.
I’d suggest a drop down menu for "Show sensors with a position rating of at least: " with a default value of 1-4.